Today we discuss looking within ourselves to increase our level of radiance and take our lives to the next level.
Some people seem to have an attractive presence about them. They have an inner strength that radiates out into the world that you can feel just by being around them. They move with quiet confidence, a power that demands respect, and they exude charisma and radiance. Where does this come from, and how can we get some for ourselves?
My first guest, Christine Howard, is a recognized and respected business leader dedicated to creating transformative products and coaching services, books, and talks that are instrumental for awakening the radiance and power of women’s true beauty and their ability to achieve their soul-centered calling.
She joins me today to share her journey of hardship and transformation that led her to become the radiant woman and leader she is today. Christine provides insight into how we can all raise our radiance from within and shares the three key actions that changed her life.
My second guest, SuEllen Fried, is an author and co-author of several books, a passionate child advocate, and has been a national and international speaker on the topic of child abuse and bullying. She joins me today to share how she has spent decades helping people to increase their presence of who they are in order to let go of old ways of showing up and to avoid hurting others.
SuEllen discusses empowering people who truly want to change and get past any abuse and neglect they may have suffered in their lives by providing them with a chance to understand the roots of violence in their lives in order to heal and transform into a version of themselves that they are proud to be.
We Discuss:
- Becoming aware of the subconscious thoughts that are blocking our radiance
- The inner work that must be done in order to make our greatest dreams a reality
- How to let go, take a stand, and pursue the callings of our soul to live a fulfilling life
- Why self-care needs to be a priority all of the time and not just when we’re depleted
- Going inward to connect with ourselves and listen to what’s going on in our lives
- Becoming conscious of our mindset and the self-talk we listen to on a regular basis
- How members of Reaching out From Within are empowered to heal themselves
- The roots of violence and the correlation between abuse and incarceration
- Empowering people who want to change their behavior and transform their lives
“When you squash your radiance, you squash your creativity.” – Christine Howard
About Christine:

Christine Howard is a recognized and respected business leader dedicated to creating transformative products and coaching services, books, and talks that are instrumental for awakening the radiance and power of women’s true beauty and their ability to achieve their soul centered calling.
Her passion and commitment to inspire the lives of women came from her own transformational heartbreak.
Rising from a startling diagnosis of breast cancer followed by a painful divorce, Christine has gained a depth of understanding about The Power of Radiant Achievement™.
She’s found that the ways women interpret their gifts, talents and unique qualities directly impacts their ability to manifest a purposeful and empowered life and lifestyle.
As a visionary entrepreneur and certified life success coach, Christine has dedicated nearly two decades to guiding her clients to quickly dissolve patterns and habits that block their ability to create a life of grace and ease while achieving their highest professional dreams.
About SuEllen:

SuEllen Fried is an author and co-author of several books including, “Bullies & Victims: Helping Your Child Through the Schoolyard Battlefield,” “Bullies, Targets & Witnesses: Helping Break the Pain Chain,” “30 Activities for Getting Better at Getting Along,” and “Banishing Bullying Behavior: Transforming the Culture of Peer Abuse.”
She has been featured on The Today Show, Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood, and has been featured on two TedX Talks.
SuEllen was was Born in St. Louis, MO in 1932, and she was Married to Harvey Fried for 65 years until his death in 2018.
She has three children and seven grandchildren, and has an extensive Volunteer Experience Including:
• President Nixon’s Task Force on the Mentally Handicapped – 1970
• Founder and President, Kansas Committee to Prevent Child Abuse – 1976-1980
• President, NCPCA, now Prevent Child Abuse America, 1980-82 Life Board Member
• Founder and President, Reaching Out From Within, 1982-86 President Emeritus
• Kansas Department of Corrections – 1977 – current
• Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey, Board Member, 1987-93
• Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey, Advisory Board Member, 1994 – current
• Country Club Bank, Board of Directors, 1999-2007
In 1982, SuEllen co-founded Reaching Out From Within, a self-help program for incarcerated men and women, with a member of the Lifer’s Club at the Lansing, KS Correctional Facility. She has been a volunteer sponsor, attending weekly meetings since that time.
The program has now been transplanted to the Department of Public Safety in North Carolina and to the Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, KS.
Check out the video below to watch our interview:
“I believe that all of us were put here to repair the world, and not only to repair it but to create a world where kindness, empathy, and concern for others is a major focus of our lives.” – SuEllen Fried
Resources Mentioned:
- – Receive your FREE tip sheet to begin living radiantly, with confidence, focus, and authenticity today!
- – Reaching Out From Within, Inc.
- SuEllen Fried’s TEDx Talk – Lessons From Behind Barbed Wire
- Bullies & Victims: Helping Your Children Through the Schoolyard Battlefield
- Bullies, Targets & Witnesses: Helping Children Break the Pain Chain
- Banishing Bullying Behavior: Transforming the Culture of Peer Abuse
- Ask and You Will Succeed: 1,001 Extraordinary Questions to Create Life-Changing Results
- Limitless 2019 Event: Unleash Your Limitations and Grow Your Business Revenues – February 23, 2019 – 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM PST or email me at to register for the even
- – Contact Ann Landstrom at (760)-610-6263
Visit to pre-order Ken’s new book, The Courage to Change Everything: Strategies and Wisdom to Transform Your Life One Day at a Time
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