Today we discuss reducing stress during the holidays and tips and strategies for bringing more joy into your life.


Our first guest, Sandra Millers Younger, shares her story of surviving through the 2002 San Diego wildfires and her ComeBACK Formula for transforming crisis into possibility.

Our second guest, Gary Sinclair, is a leader in energy medicine and shares his outlook on love and healing, as well as his latest work, Soul Link, which produces 100% successful results for neutralizing PTSD memories in seconds.

Our third guest, Dr. Jonathan Smith, talks about living a longer, healthier, and more sustainable life, as well as the lack of necessary focus on health maintenance versus health care.


We Discuss:

  • Strategies for reducing stress and bringing more joy during the holidays
  • Finding happiness after disaster
  • Sandra’s experience in surviving a wildfire and her process of recovery
  • The hardest part of the comeback journey for disaster survivors
  • The ComeBACK Formula – 5 steps to transform crisis into possibility
  • Exercising choice over response
  • Using the LIVE Formula to avoid making mistakes that can cost you your life
  • The concept of “love living” rather than “love seeking”
  • Using energy medicine and memory energy therapy to neutralize bad memories
  • Good health – why we need it and how we can obtain it
  • The 3 determinants of good health
  • Asking doctors the necessary questions about prescribed medications
  • Spending on health maintenance versus healthcare


“The silver lining of a community disaster is that everyone pulls together. For just a minute at least, everyone in this divided world of ours comes together to help each other and come together at a very fundamental level.”  –  Sandra Millers Younger


About Sandra:

Sandra Millers Younger lost her home, 12 neighbors, and nearly her own life in California’s biggest wildfire.

Her book about the disaster, “The Fire Outside My Window,” has been acclaimed as required reading for residents of wildfire country, adopted as a training text by top-level emergency professionals, and praised by reviewers as a “couldn’t put it down” page-turner.

After the fire, Sandra discovered that personal resilience is both a natural strength and a skill set that we can build like a muscle.

Combining her own experience with leading academic research, she developed The ComeBACK Formula™—a five-step system of powerful, common-sense practices proven to transform disaster into opportunity and loss into legacy.

Sandra is now the founder of ComeBACK Solutions Intl., sharing her resilience-boosting message as an international speaker, workshop leader, and media guest. She’s appeared on ABC, CBS, PBS, CBC, Fox and the CW and was featured in the 2017 NBC Dateline special, “Inferno.”


“Love always pulls whatever it touches towards its highest potential. The highest potential of this physical body is healing.”  –  Gary Sinclair


About Gary:

Gary Sinclair first became interested in Mind, Body, and Spirit work after recovering at age 35 in a year and a half from 80% mobility loss from 14 years of Multiple Sclerosis.

He had also slowly gone down to 1/3 lung capacity from birth defects and other complications.

Six months after healing from MS, Gary miraculously received full lung capacity in 15 minutes.

He then went on to become a National Amateur Senior Olympic Gold Medal Figure Skating Champion for the USA and much more. There are even more miracles! Those who know him will tell you, “Gary is Love Living! He is what he teaches!”

For three decades Gary has researched the lessons related to all of life and trained in all forms of energetic therapies. Out of his quest to discover how to help others, he has created CyberPhysiology, which is Mind, Body, Spirit Training.

From a therapeutic standpoint, Gary holds Master Certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy,™ Spirit Releasement Therapy, Soul Retrieval, Regression Therapy, Past-Life Therapy, Touch for Health, Bio-Feedback, Kinesiology and much more in related energetic fields.

As a recognized leader his field, ABH and NATH in 1996 awarded Gary the honor of “Outstanding Transpersonal Contribution in The Field of Bridging Mind, Body, Spirit.”


About Jonathan:

After 40 years of “putting people to sleep and protecting them from harm in the “Illness” business,” Dr. Jonathan Smith switched direction! He now wakes them up!

He invests time, talent, and passion in the “Wellness” business because it is far more fun! Jonathan has the academic and experiential knowledge and the will to join the movement for change, and to create a “Culture of Wellness.”

He is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist with an MBA, and a BWI-Certified Health Promotion Coordinator (Employee Wellness Coordinator).

Dr. Smith graduated with an MB, ChB from the University of Cape Town Medical School in 1966, was part of Dr. Christiaan Barnard’s team performing the second double-heart transplant in 1974, and was recruited by the Cleveland Clinic to help start their Coronary Artery Bi-pass Graft program.

His Passion is to maximize Human Capital Value, (effective, efficient, productive, and creative employees), while minimizing Absenteeism, Presenteeism, Workers’ Comp. claims, Rehiring/retraining costs.

Creating “Cultures of Wellness” in small to mid-sized businesses (those whose margins are most threatened by the current state of the economy, job loss, and health care!), gives them a competitive edge.

His team approaches Workplace Wellness in a unique five-step approach. HRAs, biometrics, blood analyses and ES Complex scans are performed and reassessed quarterly. Employees learn easy, practical lifestyle skills in the new culture, allowing them to be more productive at work, and enjoy quality time with family, children & grandchildren, and friends.


“It’s more important to promote wellness than to treat illness.”  –  Dr. Jonathan Smith


Resources Mentioned:

Learn More About Hosts Paula Shaw and Ken D Foster


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