Today we discuss doing business with purpose and changing our habits from the inside out.
It takes courage to rethink your business and life, especially when things seem to be going well. That may sound a bit counter-intuitive, right? Why rethink your business and life when things are flourishing? Well, because you never know when something may change abruptly for you.
What could possibly stop you from living your life to the fullest, being the best version of yourself, and/or thriving and growing in your business? The number one obstacle that comes up for most people is unresolved fears. So, how can we get rid of our fears in order to live our best life?
My first guest, Jeff Holler, is an author and expert speaker who is inspiring corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, and individuals to rethink how and why they do business. He joins me today to share how we can all live our God-given purpose in and through our business and have greater clarity, commitment, courage, and confidence to continue to build, grow, and thrive.
We are then joined by co-authors and well-known health and lifestyle coaches, Danna Demetre and Robyn Thomson, to discuss how health and vitality make all the difference in living a purposeful and courageous life. They share their multi-faceted approach to total transformation that focuses on changing habits from the inside out and helps improve overall health.
We Discuss:
- Acknowledging our fears and what could possibly stop us from living our lives to the fullest
- Rethinking how and why we do business the way we do and thriving from a place of purpose
- How we can come to understand and live out our true purpose that God created for us
- Some of the common characteristics that people need in order to transform their lives
- Changing habits from the inside out and not relying on the typical one-size-fits-all approach
- Customizing a long-term eating plan to address health, weight loss, and food sensitivities
- Health issues and weight loss challenges that mature women face as they age
- Two things that hold most people back from sticking with dieting and other health goals
- How women can rev up their midlife metabolism and create a sustainable lifestyle
- Avoiding stop-start patterns and changing our mindset and belief system to live our best life
“Our calling becomes our purpose when we’re following the path God provides for us, one day at a time.” – Jeff Holler
About Jeff:

In a world where the bottom line seems to be the driving force in business, author and expert speaker Jeff Holler is inspiring corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, and individuals to rethink how they do business and why, and showing them that there’s a better way through the power of a purposeful, faith-based life.
In his book, Bigger Than Business: Real-World Stories of Business Owners Living Their Purpose, Jeff shares true-life stories of Christian business owners from around the globe who are living out the purpose that God created for them ─ and thriving.
These stories are about the personal and business challenges they faced and the role their faith played in dealing with those challenges. The stories run the gamut from a U.S. couple who rose above a personal tragedy to set a transformative example for us all through their business, to a businessman in Australia who transformed what was once a business capable of serving one individual at a time into one ready to serve hundreds of thousands around the world, and so much more.
Through these transparent, true-life stories and the wisdom they convey, readers will become better equipped to fully and effectively serve God right where they are – in and through the business that God entrusted to them. With renewed enthusiasm, they will have greater clarity, commitment, courage, capabilities, and confidence to continue to build and grow.
Yes, this is the complete opposite of what society teaches us that our professional and spiritual life should be separate. Instead, executives are realizing that a faith-driven existence belongs in all levels of business ─ from entry-level to the boardroom! Each chapter in the book concludes with insightful questions to help the reader understand how they too can live their God-given purpose in and through their own business.
Author Jeff Holler is a speaker and founder of The Capital Chart Room LTD, which serves some of the most respected and successful entrepreneurs in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
A certified financial planner, Jeff holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Florida State University. The father of two grown daughters, Jeff leads an adult Bible study class and he and his wife, Charlsey, commit their time, talent, gifts, and service to several ministries. Jeff and Charlsey live in Fort Worth, Texas.
For more information on Jeff Holler and his work, visit
About Danna & Robyn:

Danna Demetre, RN, (left) is an author, speaker, and co-founder of Lean Healthy Ageless.
She has been a guest on a variety of national and local shows, including Fox News Dallas, The 700 Club, ABC News NOW, and Moody Broadcasting’s award-winning Midday Connection.
Demetre, who is in her sixties, lives with her husband in the foothills outside San Diego.
Robyn Thomson, (right) an advanced clinical weight loss practitioner and co-founder of Lean Healthy Ageless, has worked with cutting-edge nutritional companies and received training from some of the top doctors and scientists in the industry.
Through seminars, workshops, and coaching, she helps people lose weight, improve their nutrition and get more active. Thomson is in her fifties and lives near the beach in San Diego with her husband, Rob.
Co-authors Danna Demetre, R.N., and Robyn Thomson, A.C.W.P., invite every woman (and the men in her life) on a lifestyle journey who has believed the lie that her best body, health, and life are in the past.
In their new practical, science-based book Eat, Live, Thrive Diet: A Lifestyle Plan to Rev Up Your Midlife Metabolism, Demetre and Thomson offer understanding, encouragement, and hope as they share personal experiences of battling weight gain and emotional eating in order to help others transform their lives, especially with age.
Demetre and Thomson unravel the mystery of why women gain weight as they age and offer a sustainable plan to permanently lose pounds and inches. Together they explore the question, “What if there was a way to turn back the scale and the clock with an inspiring lifestyle plan designed to help women rev up their midlife metabolisms and achieve physical and emotional freedom even as they age?”
Whereas most diets are short-lived or require substantial upkeep, Eat, Live, Thrive Diet is a viable eating plan that can be adhered to indefinitely. This three-phase nutritional journey allows each individual to personalize her own story of transformation, learning not only how to successfully lose weight safely, but also how to improve overall health and energy in critical areas such as brain function, disease prevention, and slowing down the aging process.
The book also highlights health risks and drawbacks of many popular fad diets that can be harmful on a long-term basis.
Together, Demetre and Thomson shout from the rooftops that “a woman’s best years ever can be ahead of her when she puts the Eat, Live, Thrive Diet and Lifestyle plan into action!”
For more information, visit and connect through their socials at,, or
“We don’t care what your age is. It’s never too late to turn back the clock to get healthier.” – Danna Demetre, RN
“It’s not just about weight loss. It’s about living the best life, the most vital life, and having longevity so that you can fulfill the purposes that God has for you.” – Robyn Thomson
Check out the video below to watch our interview:
Resources Mentioned:
- Bigger Than Business: Real-World Stories of Business Owners Living Their Purpose
- Eat, Live, Thrive Diet: A Lifestyle Plan to Rev Up Your Midlife Metabolism
- Follow Lean Healthy Ageless on Facebook!
- Follow Danna Demetre on Twitter!
- Check out Lean Healthy Ageless on YouTube!
- – Your Exclusive Invitation: Become a member of Ken’s book development team for the launch of his 7th book and share in how it’s done!
- The Courage to Change Everything: Strategies and Wisdom to Transform Your Life One Day at a Time
- Ask and You Will Succeed: 1,001 Extraordinary Questions to Create Life-Changing Results
- TalkRadio.NYC
- Learn More About Host Ken D. Foster
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