Today we discuss the courage to uncover our personal power and tap into our inner beauty.
Did you know that if you find the courage to change one thing, everything will change? That one thing we are talking about changing today is your personal power.
Because personal power is connected to courage and inner beauty, this show will transform your thinking to a new level of awareness where empowering thoughts will permeate your brain.
My first guest, Melissa Metcalf Le Roy, Founder of OnFire Healing and Consulting, is a Holistic Practitioner and fitness guru who inspires men and women all of all ages to take charge of their health and wellness goals. She joins me today to share insight on the power to overcome health issues and celebrate life daily by healing from the inside out.
My second guest, Hilary Paul McGuire, is an author, and educator who has been a math teacher, tennis coach, one time Benedictine monk, a sculptor, and so much more. He joins me today to discuss tuning into our inner guidance and building character and self-discipline in order to better ourselves and contribute more to our communities.
My third guest, Kristine Jackson, is the clinical director of Villa Kali Ma, a residential treatment center for women’s addiction treatment and holistic recovery. She joins me today to discuss how to create positive, long-lasting change and turn our lives around without being so hard on ourselves.
We Discuss:
- How all areas of our lives can change dramatically when we have more courage
- The willingness to transcend the fears that hold us back and be more courageous
- The importance of expressing our truth and learning how to light our personal fire
- Learning how to have compassion and love for ourselves first and foremost
- Tuning into our inner guidance and applying the universal principles of success
- Embracing our inner beauty and learning how to step into our personal power
- How courage is the bridge to change and why discomfort is part of that journey
“Light your fire, maintain your fire through that commitment, and then start today, even if it’s one small thing. Take ownership of your truth, and start the plan.” – Melissa Metcalf Le Roy
About Melissa:
Melissa Metcalf Le Roy, a graduate in Entrepreneurship of Western Carolina University and a graduate in Non-Profit Management of Duke University teaches non-profit management classes throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia for Duke University.
She is the proud founder of the following three companies: OnFire Nonprofit Consulting, OnFire Naturals, and OnFire Healing.
Melissa is a past board member of the North Carolina Center for Non-Profits. For four years she contributed a regular “Non-Profit Leadership” column for the Tryon Daily Bulletin and currently offers her services as a consultant through her own firm, OnFire Nonprofit Consulting.
She is very passionate about the environment and has been awarded a Master Naturalist certification by Clemson University’s South Carolina Master Naturalist program, where she also devotes long hours as a volunteer.
Melissa is honored to be working as the assistant to Dr. Joe Picone and Holistic Nutritional Practitioner at Foothills Wellness Center.
About Hilary:
Hilary Paul McGuire had a classical education taught by Benedictine monks at St. Gregory’s High School and College in Oklahoma. He joined the faculty as Brother Hilary, named after the famed AD 300 author /Bishop Hilary of Poitiers, France.
While heading the math department, Hilary started men’s and women’s tennis teams at Saint Gregory’s and spent two summers coaching at the Kings Highway Tennis Club in Brooklyn, New York.
Br. Hilary was always looking for ways to broaden the lives of his students. In 1970, he was inspired to create a theatrical version of the first rock opera “Tommy.” Since the rock group ‘The Who’ had released the music only the year before, they readily granted permission for a staging.
Hilary’s show was similar to the music videos of today with the actors adding dance and drama to the music. “Tommy” was not professionally produced until the Seattle Opera did so in 1971.
Hilary developed a line of unique and philosophical sculptures, employing the medium which he calls “antique iron with character” from Oklahoma farm equipment and railroad steel. These are reflective of his philosophical background and the approach he uses in teaching math.
His most notable piece, “Justice?” appeared in a full-page photo with the artist in Southwest Art magazine, March 1977.
After ten years teaching math and tennis in Oklahoma, Hilary was sent to teach math and English in East LA. He started a National Junior Tennis League team with the organizational backing of famed tennist Gussy Moran. Local Chicano gang members joined his private school students and learned discipline the fun way. At the same time, he founded the tennis team at Cantwell High School in the nearby city of Montebello.
After two years in LA, his teaching continued in Oklahoma where he coached his men’s team to 18th place among 36 entries at the Junior College Nationals in Ocala, Florida in 1971. For his 15 years of gratis work promoting tennis, Hilary was awarded an honorary lifetime membership in the US Professional Tennis Assn.
Since leaving 20 years of monastic life, Mr. McGuire has taught math and some tennis for the San Diego Community College District. He met his wife of 37 years on a tennis court in San Diego. They have three grown children and enjoy playing tennis together on local courts.
His work with the gangs in East Los Angeles as a monk and later as a math teacher at San Diego City College forms the basis for his first two books “Hopie and the Los Homes Gang: A Gangland Primer” and “Homeboys in College.”
It is because of his membership in the USPTA that Hilary met Pat and Pam Stewart and undertook writing their story in the book “Tennis Saves: Stewart Orphans Take World by Racket.”
“We are all getting older, but we have to have character as we get older, or it’s just a losing proposition.” – Hilary Paul McGuire
About Kristine:
After graduating magna cum laude with a Master of Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania, Kristine Jackson moved to California to become a clinical supervisor for therapeutic programs.
As a life long learner, she then became certified in several modalities including Play Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT), Motivational Interviewing, Eating Disorders (CEDS), and Experiential Therapy (CET I).
After being awarded LPS designation, Kristine then went to UCLA for a certification in co-occurring disorders.
Working with clients and families of those struggling with eating disorders and other mental health issues for the past 25 years, she continually discovered the importance of a therapeutic process to get a deeper level of healing.
Kristine has a passion for helping Seekers through the beautifully challenging time of exploring not just behaviors, but the beliefs that hold them.
She feels that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and there is a gift in that. Kristine’s hope is that you gain clarity, confidence, and true connection.
“Change happens at the edge of discomfort. It doesn’t have to be comfortable… in fact, it’s most likely not.” – Kristine Jackson
Check out the video below to watch our interview:
Resources Mentioned:
- OnFire Nonprofit Consulting
- OnFire Nonprofit Consulting on Facebook
- OnFire Naturals
- OnFire Naturals on Facebook
- OnFire Healing on Facebook
- Join Melissa’s 52-Week Eating Healthy Challenge
- Foothills Wellness Center
- Foothills Wellness Center on Facebook
- Watch Melissa Metcalf Le Roy’s Tedx Talk
- North Carolina Center for Nonprofits
- Duke University – Nonprofit Management Program
- Hilary Paul McGuire – or email at
- Homeboys in College: Heralds of Progress by Hilary Paul McGuire
- Hopie and the Los Homes Gang: A Gangland Primer by Hilary Paul McGuire
- – Contact Villa Kali Ma at (619)-246-8862
- Villa Kali Ma on Facebook
- The Courage to Change Everything: Strategies and Wisdom to Transform Your Life One Day at a Time
- Ask and You Will Succeed: 1,001 Extraordinary Questions to Create Life-Changing Results
- Learn More About Host Ken D. Foster
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